Release Date: 2/8/24
Dielle shares her own story of making $300k in her business with a full time job. She walks through the year and breaks down the actions she took along the way that grew her business so that she could quit her racist job.
Sign up at [] to attend a live free class to learn how to quit your racist job in 2024 with Dielle Charon on Sun Feb 18th.
Make more than $50k? Scale to six or multiple six figures inside of the 12 month Mastermind, Six Figure Liberation. Get on the waitlist now [].
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Today I am sharing how I made $300k with a 9-5 job.
First, let me make it clear, you do not have to wait until you have made an enormous amount of money before you quit your job.
I walk through the year of 2020, which is the year that I made $300k.
Obviously that is the year COVID hit, but for the first 2 months of the year everything was normal. I was working at my 9-5 job and totally side hustling in my business.
So many Women of Color think they need time but really they need skill.
I was growing my skill set in the little pockets of time I had. And I realized I didn’t have to have everything perfect.
In April I was introduced to mindset work. And I started to focus on what I needed to fix for the next time instead of focusing on the past.
The momentum really started building at this time. I did a lot of self coaching which helped my belief in myself and also improved my ideas for the coaching industry.
In July I hired a coach and created my “quit your job” savings account that I added to each time I signed a new client. This fund grew my money confidence which improved my sales as well.
By November, I felt safe enough to quit my 9 to 5 job. And at that time, it was one of the easiest decisions I made in my life.
Sales does not care about time, it only cares about skill. Learn the skills you need inside of Five Figure Freedom so you can have your own “Quit Your Racist Job” story!