Release Date: 12/29/20
Listen to Dielle provide advanced perspectives when it comes to goal setting and learn how you can select the best goal for your mindset and business results.
Follow Dielle @diellecharon
Today I’m sharing my goal setting framework, advanced goal setting.
Simple goal setting is creating a goal and trying to achieve it.
Two of my advanced goal setting concepts are undergoaling and growthgoaling.
Undergoaling is intentionally setting a small goal. The purpose of undergoaling is to get you into an “it’s possible” mindset.
Undergoaling works with your brain so that your actions can match your thoughts. Once you reach your undergoal, the win can help you reach even bigger goals.
If you haven’t hit your goals consistently, undergoaling might be a good strategy for you to use as a stepping stone to your big goal.
Growthgoaling is where you choose your goal based on the growth you need as a business owner, not the goal itself.
You choose your growth goals when you know you need an identity shift.
Growth goals only have about a 50% chance of actually working out. You set the goal because you know even if you don’t reach it, you will be a different person which will help you reach your big goal.
Growth goals sound fun, but you have to be okay with not hitting the goal.
A growth goal is perfect for you if you consistently hit your goals, there is no desperation.
Should you undergoal or growthgoal? What do you need? Do you need to win or do you need to grow?
You can’t go wrong with either option. You can get what you need from both undergoaling or growthgoaling!