Release Date: 9/12/23
Dielle shares how you can have six figure launches by working just 25 hours a week. She shares exactly how she spends her time to complete the administrative, marketing, and coaching tasks needed to have a successful business with six figure launches.
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I’m talking today all about my infamous 25 hour a week schedule for 6 figure launches.
This is the schedule I follow and I will break it down for you today so you can see exactly how you can implement this schedule for yourself and have 6 figure launches on part time hours.
You want to spend 5 hours a week on administrative tasks, 5 hours a week on marketing tasks, and 10 to 15 hours a week coaching your clients, creating curriculum, and creating concepts.
So for administrative tasks, this covers things like onboarding and onboarding for group programs, setting up systems, and creating Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). This is either you taking action on these business operations tasks, or managing your Virtual Assistant if you have one.
For marketing tasks, you can absolutely get this down to 5 hours a week as long as you actually know how to sell and you have a strategy in place. When you have a plan in place you cut down on decision making time and you can use the time you have to execute the plan.
And for the time you need to spend coaching your clients, you need client results for your launch to work. When you coach you create frameworks that help get your clients the results they want faster. You’ll create concepts that you can then sell.
If you stick with this schedule, you’ll reduce your work and significantly increase your conversions.
My advice is to get the work for your business done before you work with your clients. You’ll ensure that you get what you need done and show up better for your clients.
I also find it helpful to schedule my time off. Rest time is great, but if you don’t have anything planned it can be tempting to do more work. If you schedule in things like date nights, friendship time, weekend getaways, you’re more likely to do them and get the rest and rejuvenation you need.
Remember, if you’re ever overworking it is because you don’t have a clear strategy and plan in place.