Release Date: 3/29/22
Dielle shares how you can create your 6 figure expertise and become a powerhouse to attract the clients you want. Learn how to establish your expertise and connect it to the results your clients are looking for.
Follow Dielle @diellecharon
What is an expert? An expert is simply someone who specializes in something.
Being an expert doesn’t automatically make you a million dollars or make sales easier. But it does help the sales journey and the sales process.
Your expertise is an entity that is trying to come to you so you can grow your business. It is already there, do you have the confidence to name it?
How often are you actually shutting it down? Are you struggling to decide what it is or wondering if it is good enough?
Establishing your expertise is not the same thing as niching down. Your expertise can be all encompassing, but it needs to be clear.
When you have established your expertise, it is important for people to understand it and connect it back to the result that they want.
Don’t focus so much on your expertise that you forget to apply it to the client.
Your expertise should be what you want to do in your own way.
Stop waiting for a queen to put a crown on your head, put your own crown on.
The sooner you choose your experience, the sooner you can create results you want.
If you’d like more help establishing your expertise, join the Mastermind when doors open on April 18!