Release Date: 4/4/23
Dielle explains coaching offers and career offers and how you can use them to hit 7 figures. Hear why your movement is so important and how you can create dream offers from your movement to scale.
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I don’t believe there is any perfect offer.
But I do believe there are 2 types of offers a coach can have, coaching offers and career offers.
Coaching offers are offers like one-on-one coaching, group coaching, or memberships.
Career offers are where you build your career as a coach. They are things like live events, books, speaking engagements, corporate contracts, starting other businesses, providing done-for-you services, or starting a non profit.
Inside of Six Figure Liberation we help you scale both of these offers by creating a movement first.
Your movement is so important because your movement is your overall mission and why any offer exists to begin with.
It’s the reason why people even care. Your movement is at the core of all of it.
When you focus on your movement first, you can create whatever offer you want that will support that movement.
Inside of Six Figure Liberation we help you hit 7 figures by focusing on your movement to build your coaching offers along with your career offers.